Hosted by Sorna, Iranian guitar players had the chance to attend the 3 days long master class of one of the world’s most famous fusion players, Christophe Godin from France. Christophe Godin (born 1968) is a French guitarist and singer, known for his work with the French bands Metal Kartoon, Gnô and Mörglbl. Godin plays a variety of styles, including heavy metal, jazz fusion, blues and more.
These three days long master class was on the subjects like hybrid picking and modern Technics, finding new chord voicings and improvisation. at the end of the 3rd day there was a jam session for all the attendees. I’ve learnt so many new things from Christophe and definitely will use his words and ideas in my musical endeavors and teaching. Definitely a memorable event. Hope to see him in Iran again soon.